We don't really have seasons here in Los Angeles. It actually makes me very sad. I wish I could see the leaves change color. I wish our kiddos could have snow days. I wish had a good excuse to wear a scarf. But unfortunately, us Angelenos only know the seasons are changing because stores begin to put holiday decorations out and classic Bill Crosby tracks begin to ring on KOST 103.5. To give you some context, it's 65 and sunny, and I'm bundled up. Brrrrr!
Cold weather makes me want to get cozy. Here is one of my favorite turkey soup recipes that just makes life a little warmer. Credit to Macro Gal.
1.5 lbs. ground turkey. I used 99% lean Jennie-o but your choice
3-4 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
3-4 celery stocks, peeled and chopped
2 cups butternut squash, chopped
2x 14 oz. cans of diced tomatoes in juice
2 tbsp. fresh parsley
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 - 3/4 cup water
1. Brown the turkey with pepper and garlic powder.
2. Once browned, transfer to a large boiling pot. Bring remaining ingredients to a boil for 15 minutes. Once done, reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours.
This can also be done in a crockpot. Throw everything on low heat for 5-6 hours and voila! Dinner is served.
Oh in case I haven't yet shared, JOE AND I GOT ENGAGED! WEEEEE! I'm going to be a Feldman! Yay!
Joe asked me to be his wife in August of 2016. While vacationing in Scotland, we took a tour of a tiny fisherman's town called Portree, located on the Isle of Skye off of the Northwestern coast of Scotland. After some site-seeing and enough Gaelic folklore to last a lifetime, we decided to take a hike. We landed at an abandoned knight tower overlooking the bay. Rolling hills of purple and green and the mist in our face, Joe started to shake...violently. He started to say really sweet things and from there, the man that vowed to never get married, asked me to be his wife. Hysterically crying, I somehow managed to mumble, "Yes!"
There it is guys and gals. I'm going to be a wife. I count my lucky atoms everyday for such a wonderful man. I get to marry my best friend. My life partner. My bear. It's pretty cool.
I also got a new job! WOO WOO WOO! I'm working for a really amazing creative agency, arguably the best in the biz, on a popular sport brand account. Talk about a dream job. I'm loving loving loving it! See hint below.
Stay tuned. More life updates to come.
Love that you are trying blogging again!!!!! Going to make this soup this weekend