Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What's Right For You?

Penny for your thoughts.

I've been noodling a lot lately over this idea of expectation -- where I am supposed to be working, where I am should to living, the car I'm supposed to be driving, where I am supposed to be in my personal relationships, what size my ass is should be. And I have made a decisions...

I have decided to let go of the expectations of others. Completely let... it... go. Because you see, what's good for you might not be good for me. And vice versa. It's funny how we as humans (or maybe just Americans?) are so quick to say what others should be doing. We compare ourselves, make judgements and stick each other in these little boxes of 'right' and 'wrong'.

"Billy is doing GREAT at work. He's on the right track. He'll be CEO in no time!"
"Jane just can't figure it out. She's still with that deadbeat guy. She's doing it all wrong."

We make judgements based on age, societal status, race, gender. And I just think it's all a crock of poo. So I'm letting it go. Feel free to judge me. That's cool. If that's what you need to do to validate yourself or help you get some extra sleep at night, god-speed.

I'll just strut my toosh on in life and never look in the rearview.

Moving on.

I was in a pinch yesterday, because I didn't bring food to work. So at around 1:00 o'clock, I went to Whole Paycheck Foods and made myself the most AMAZING! salad in the world. Peep it.

Swiss chard
Yellow beets
Grilled asparagus
Marinated red onion and tomato
Green onion
Shredded carrots
Roasted garlic --  amazing. It made the salad. Honestly. The best part. I had the breath capable of killing a small animal, but good LORD it was delicious.

They really do have the best salad bar. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. Quality ingredients come with a price tag, unfortunately. It was so filling and nutritious, I don't care that I paid $18. Worth every penny.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

It's More Than Just Lettuce...

It's an art. What am I talking about? Salads. Obviously...

I made the most amazing salad. Like, ever. I was too excited to wait until my next post to share. If you recall from a post or two ago, I'm trying to lose weight. The right way. Ew...

Memory recalls these low cal gems being in my rotation. My mom has made the most amazing salads since I can remember. When I was in college, we used to spend hours in the kitchen meal prepping GIGANTIC mixes together. So I thought I'd put these bad boys back into my weekly meal plan. Give this one a a shot.

All I have to say is you're welcome.

1 head of iceberg lettuce, loose chopped.
2 medium heads of treviso, chopped
1 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/2 red onion, diced
1 cup of shredded carrots
6 small tomatoes, sliced in halves
2 medium cucumbers, sliced in halves
2 whole shoots of green onion, chopped
2 cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 shoot of raw asparagus, chopped. Trust me...

Directions: Chop all this good stuff up and mix it together! Easy.

I take salad making very serious. I like to play with my ingredients. Arugula and radishes add a nice spice to a mixture. Jicama, cilantro and lime add a bit of Latin flare. Love Mediterranean? Add pickled grape leaves and hummus! Whatever you do, keep it interesting. I can only speak for myself, but it keeps me from getting bored.

Enjoy. SM.

Weight update: I weigh 157 pounds today. That's good, right? Right? One pound is one pound. I'm going to do a half marathon with my girlfriend. She's in awesome shape. Me... not so much. But I'm hoping running will help to bring down the EL-BEEs. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Banana Puddin' and a stroll through Santa Monica

Schedules. Sheesh. I have a gnarly crazy schedule. Who doesn't, right?  Here's a look at my typical work week.

4:00 am: BUZZ!
5:00 am: Out the door to hit the gym.
5:30 - 7:00 am: Fitness time!
8:00 - 6:30 pm (usually later): Office. Stress. Problem solving. Caffeine. Meeting. Going, going GOING!
6:30 - 8:00 pm: Traffic. I die a little inside everyday on that damn 405 freeway. I swear it's aging me.
8:00 - 9:00 pm: Dinner and time with Bear.
9:00 - 9:30 pm: Sleepy time.

I love Saturday. Just take a look at the above. There is something so relaxing knowing that I don't have to fight that kind of madness. It's a time in the week when I can take a...

deep... breath...

I reserve Saturday to do whatever I want. I hate when I pack my weekend full of obligations. Yes, usually these are social events or much needed family time. But again, at times it can feel like an obligations. Like you have to do something or have to be somewhere. I'll be honest with you, I'm a home body. It took me years to be comfortable with that. But the truth is, I just love to be home. I love my driveway. I love my couch. My kitchen is rad. I may have the most comfortable bed on the planet. And my backyard...takes my breath away. We have a pool. It's pretty awesome.

There's nothing that fills me with more joy than my Bear and a bowl of something chocolate-y on a Friday night.

This week was especially cray. Things at work took a sharp left turn and well, it didn't go well with certain people. So this Saturday, I just wanted to chill. Chill hard. POLAR BEAR CHILLING!  So that's what I'm doing. Nothing. Chilling. It's fudging amazing!

This morning, I woke up bright and early for a cup'a jo. I watched the sun come up and did some Pinteresting. Side bar: I've fallen in love with Pinterest. I'm late. I know. But talk about amazing ideas. So many great recipes and DIY ideas. WEE!

Any who, I eventually put on exercise clothes and met one of my best friends at the Santa Monica stairs. Our intentions were good! We meant to have a mean sweat sesh! It didn't quite work out that way though. After five sets, we decided to instead walk along Ocean Avenue and just chat. Catch up. Look at the ocean. Again, chilling. It was a perfect morning.

We had an amazing chat about expectation and where life is taking us. This person has been a very dear friend to many for over 15 years. I hold her words and opinions in very high esteem. Isn't it crazy how you meet certain people and just decide... yeah. Your cool. Let's be friends. For life?

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." #truth.

After, I made my way back home. Joe threw some turkey patties on the grill and we ran stupid couple errands. Along the way, my mind went back to that chocolate-y Friday night desires. I looked in my recipe archives I threw together this gem. It's super easy. And delicious. And it's a fantastic substitute to those (shitty) frozen yogurts you buy at the market. Check, check, check it out.

1 large container of Fage Greek yogurt. You'll need the whole container.
3 medium bananas, riped and mashed. Not mushy, just gently mashed.
1 packet instant sugar free pudding
1 cup almond or coconut milk, whatever wets your whistle.
2 tbsp. dark chocolate cocoa, unsweetened.
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Dash of salt

1. Mix your wet ingredients. Peel and gently mash the bananas. Mix in the entire container of yogurt and almond milk.
2. Mix your dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
3. Fold your ingredients together. If it's too thick, add a bit more milk. The pudding mix and yogurt can make it very heavy. If you like it thinner, add more milk. Whatever you like.
4. Separate your mixture into 6 containers and freeze.

Done. Simple. Right?

When you're ready to enjoy this tasty treat, take it out of the freezer and give it 15 minutes or so to defrost. Enjoy it kids. Let me know what you think.